
51 search results

June 2015

Journal of ֲý Volume 77, No. 10 View the IssueAbout the Cover Many regulatory agencies are trying to find ways to improve food safety, decrease regulatory infractions, and decrease the risk of foodborne outbreaks. The results o...

May 2015

Journal of ֲý Volume 77, No. 9 View the IssueAbout the Cover In this issue’s cover feature, “UVA and Cutaneous Melanoma Incidences: Spatial Patterns and Communities At Risk,” the authors examined the associations of cutaneous m...

April 2015

Journal of ֲý Volume 77, No. 8 View the IssueAbout the Cover As shown on our cover, hotels often settle for cleanliness versus sanitation, but our feature in this issue, “Sanitary Status and Incidence of Methicillin-Resistant S...

March 2015

Journal of ֲý Volume 77, No. 7 View the IssueAbout the Cover The author of this issue’s cover feature, “Foodborne Illness and Seasonality Related to Mobile Food Sources at Festivals and Group Gatherings in the State of Georgia,...

January/February 2015

Journal of ֲý Volume 77, No. 6 View the IssueAbout the Cover Given the popularity of buying vintage toys on the internet, the authors of this issue’s cover article, “Hazardous Metals in Vintage Plastic Toys Measured by a Handhe...

Private Water and Decentralized Wastewater Program Committee

MissionThe Private Water and Decentralized Wastewater Program Committee is a resource for environmental public health professionals, private well and septic system owners, and our leadership. The committee provides knowledge, expertise, and reso...

Inspector Checklist Boil Water Order

This checklist is for inspectors to use when evaluating if a food establishment may operate during a boil water order. Recommended for environmental public health and public health professionals working with food establishments to determine th...

Retail Food Establishment Checklist for Floods

This checklist can be used by environmental health professionals to assess if a retail food facility can reopen safely after a flood in the facility. Recommended for emergency environmental public health practitioners working at the s...

FEMA Hurricane Season After Action Report

This report provides the emergency management community with recommendations for areas of improvement based on the 2017 hurricanes season and includes information on: Scaling disaster Response Staffing Sustained Community Logistics Long...

After-Action Report: Ellicott City, Maryland Flood of 2016

This after-action report of the 2016 flooding in Ellicott City, MD explains how to preserve historical buildings. It provides various disaster response checklists for non-profits and local governments. This tool includes: Report Checklists...

ACE Household Survey

This resource assesses any chemical exposures within a household setting and measures: Contact demographics Location/Exposure and Communication Health Status Recommended for environmental public health professionals who may be responsible ...

ACE Hospital Survey

This is a survey for hospitals to access and evaluate any chemical exposures and measures:Hospital SurgeHospital ResponseHospital DecontaminationRecommended for environmental public health professionals working within a community or hospital set...

A Guide to Operating Public Shelters in a Radiation Emergency

This guide has been developed to assist with planning and response efforts related to shelter operations in a radiation emergency. The guide provides information and guidance about: Screening for radioactive contamination Decontamination Rad...

Terms of Use

Agreement Between User and ֲý (NEHA) The ֲý (NEHA) Web Site is comprised of various Web pages operated by ֲý (NEHA).The National...

September 2017

Journal of ֲý Volume 80, No. 2View the IssueAbout the Cover September is National Preparedness Month and we thought it fitting to highlight this issue’s article, “Response, Recovery, and Resilience to Oil Spills and Environment...

September 2015

Journal of ֲý Volume 78, No. 2 View the IssueAbout the Cover In the Building Capacity column in this issue, “Embracing a Unified Brand Builds Capacity for Health Departments,” Darryl Booth discusses the importance of a consiste...

Professional Food Manager Certificate

Earn your Professional Food Manager CertificationWe offer many resources to help you become a Certified Professional Food Manager. The classroom course, textbook, or online course prepares people working in the food and beverage industries with ...

Privacy Policy

ֲý (NEHA) is committed to protecting your privacy and developing technology that gives you the most powerful and safe online experience. This Statement of Privacy applies to the National Environmental Healt...

Performance Level Course Team Approach to Foodborne Outbreak Response

Course identifies how the skills, resources, and expertise of all government levels can be connected to improve collaboration during a foodborne outbreak within an integrated national food safety system.Go to TrainingApproximate length: 16 hours...

October 2017

Journal of ֲý Volume 80, No. 3 View the IssueAbout the Cover In this issue, we feature an article that focuses on occupational safety and health. The article, “Effectiveness of a Multifaceted Occupational Noise and Hearing Loss...

October 2015

Journal of ֲý Volume 78, No. 3 View the IssueAbout the Cover In this issue, two of our feature articles describe studies that investigated arsenic ingestion in the context of consumption patterns. “Arsenic Consumption in the Un...

November 2017

Journal of ֲý Volume 80, No. 4 View the IssueAbout the Cover The use of powdered shake mixes as nutritional supplements or meal replacements has become increasingly popular among health-conscious individuals. Consumption of the...

November 2015

Journal of ֲý Volume 78, No. 4 View the IssueAbout the Cover Rapid proliferation of hydraulic fracturing (fracking) facilities has led to concerns about human exposure to airborne pollutants, notably fine particulates (PM2.5, p...

May 2017

Journal of ֲý Volume 79, No. 9 View the IssueAbout the Cover This issue’s cover article, “Occupational Health Survey in Cosmetologists in Minnesota,” explores the occupational health and safety challenges faced by cosmetologist...

March 2017

Journal of ֲý Volume 79, No. 7 View the IssueAbout the Cover Past and recent foodborne illness outbreaks continue to illustrate the difficulties in determining when to go public with food safety information about potential pub...

Management Level Course Managing Food Emergencies: Strategies for a Community Response

Training helps participants learn how to identify a food emergency, apply the incident command structure, identify resources, and communicate with other agencies in a facilitated discussion and scenario based training.Go to TrainingApproximate l...

Letter to ICC re: Model Codes for Regulating Construction and Operation of Swimming Pools and Spas

July 2010Construction and Operation of Swimming Pools and Spas | Letter...

Legally Covered Seminar

An epidemiologist and environmental health specialist describe the legal authority to perform routine environmental health inspections, routine disease surveillance, and outbreak investigation and control measures. This seminar is specific to Co...

Legal Epidemiology

Part 1May 10, 2017In this webinar, speakers from CDC's Public Health Law Program define and characterize legal epidemiology (legal epi), and describe how it can be used as a tool when advancing from data to policy.Speakers:Montrece Ransom, JD, M...

Legal Aspects of Public Health Food Safety

Introduction to legal issues that arise in public health food safety from surveillance and outbreak investigation through restaurant inspections and detention of food.*Although this training is routine inspection focused, the skills taught are a...

June 2017

Journal of ֲý Volume 79, No. 10 View the IssueAbout the Cover This issue’s cover article explores the investigation that resulted from an uncommon outbreak of salmonellosis linked to a splash pad. The authors also conducted a s...

July/August 2017

Journal of ֲý Volume 80, No. 1 View the IssueAbout the Cover Approximately 11% of foodborne outbreaks caused by Clostridium perfringens occur in correctional facilities. This issue’s cover article investigates an outbreak cause...

July/August 2015

Journal of ֲý Volume 78, No. 1 View the IssueAbout the Cover The Fukushima nuclear disaster triggered by the magnitude 9.0 Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami on March 11, 2011, reminded the world that nuclear power plant a...

January/February 2017

Journal of ֲý Volume 79, No. 6 View the IssueAbout the Cover This issue’s featured article, “Lung Cancer Worry and Home Screening for Radon and Secondhand Smoke in Renters,” explored the relationships between demographic factor...

Insights from Credential Holders

For 80 years, we have fostered dedication, competency, and capability through professional credentialing. We provide a path to those who want to challenge themselves and keep learning every day. Earning a credential is a personal commitment ...

Informatics Committee

Our Informatics Committee is comprised of public and private sector experts working in partnership to:Identify and recommend training gaps, needs of the profession, and emerging issuesIdentify best practices, successes, and challenges for enviro...

Guidelines for Specimen Collection

Quick reference table describing basic guidelines for when to collect, how to collect, collection methods, storage, and transportation of clinical specimens (bulk stool, blood, vomitus, rectal swabs, etc) organized by potential agent.Go to ToolA...

Food Safety CoE Foodborne Outbreak Investigation Online Series

The Foodborne Outbreak Investigation Online Series (FOIS) is an online self-paced training that promotes a multi-disciplinary approach to the investigation of foodborne disease outbreaks. The goal of FOIS is to train public health professionals ...

Food Related Emergency Exercise Bundle

The Food Related Emergency Exercise Bundle (FREE-B) is a compilation of scenarios based on both intentional and unintentional food contamination events. It is designed with the intention of assisting government regulatory and public health agenc...

Excellence in Sustainability Award Winners

2016 Winner: City of Plano, ֲý & Sustainability DepartmentProject SummaryThe All in Together: Water Smart Plano campaign is an innovative, holistic approach to reducing water use through education and outreach. Summer water use...

Environmental Assessment Interviewing Skills

As part of the Colorado Environmental Assessment Quick Train series, this module highlights laboratory and non-laboratory techniques for identifying causative agents, types of specimens, and important considerations for the collection and submis...

December 2017

Journal of ֲý Volume 80, No. 5 View the IssueAbout the Cover This issue’s cover article, “Environmental Factors and Fluctuations in Daily Crime Rates,” explores the relationships between ambient air pollutant levels, weather va...

December 2015

Journal of ֲý Volume 78, No. 5 View the IssueAbout the Cover In July 2013, an outbreak of Legionnaires’ disease occurred at a long-term care facility in a suburb of Columbus, Ohio. A total of 39 cases were confirmed; of those c...

CP-FS Online Review Course

The Certified Professional–Food Safety (CP-FS) online review course has been developed by industry experts from across the various food safety disciplines. The course provides participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to ...

Exam Scheduling & Admission

Candidates can schedule a certification exam:At a Pearson VUE's testing location anywhere in the United States. Individuals who take the exam at Pearson VUE will receive their unofficial scores immediately after the exam.At our Annual Educationa...

CCFS Credential Eligibility & Application

EligibilityTo be eligible for the CCFS credential, a candidate must meet the following criteria of a track below:Bachelor's Degree TrackBachelor's degree in food science or environmental health from a degree program accredited by the National En...

April 2017

Journal of ֲý Volume 79, No. 8 View the IssueAbout the Cover We know that mosquitoes are potential pathogen-transmitting vectors, causing human illnesses such as West Nile virus, Zika, and chikungunya. There are many ways to pr...

9-Minute Quick Interview Cardinal Rules for Outbreaks

Video highlighting and showing examples of the 10-cardinal rules and do's and don't of interviewing during a foodborne disease outbreak investigation.YouTube Approximate length: Nine minutesRequirements: NoneCost: FreeFormat: VideoHosting B...