May 2015
Journal of ֲý
Volume 77, No. 9
About the Cover
In this issue’s cover feature, “UVA and Cutaneous Melanoma Incidences: Spatial Patterns and Communities At Risk,” the authors examined the associations of cutaneous melanoma incidence rates with specific ultraviolet exposure metrics across the U.S. An increasing trend of cutaneous melanoma incidence and mortality rates was observed during the last decade. The ratio of mortality to incidence decreased, however, due to earlier detection and advances in the treatment of cutaneous melanoma. This study identified an excess of cutaneous melanoma incidence in the northeast U.S. and a deficit in the southern U.S., a discrepancy that could be due to the increased use of tanning beds in northern states.
Table of Contents
Advancement of the Science
- UVA and Cutaneous Melanoma Incidences: Spatial Patterns and Communities At Risk
- Evaluation of Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation in Reducing the Airborne Cultural Bacteria Concentrations in an Elementary School in the Midwestern United States
- Fate and Transport of Enteric Microbes From Septic Systems in a Coastal Watershed
Advancement of the Practice
- Across the Country: What's Happening in ֲý
- Direct From CDC/EHSB: It's All About the Return on Investment: The Model Aquatic Health Code
- Direct From CDC/EPHTN: Biomonitoring and Environmental Public Health Tracking
Advancement of the Practitioner
- Demystifying the Future: 101 Endangered Jobs by 2030
- Career Opportunities
- EH Calendar
- Resource Corner
- JEH Quiz #6
Your Association
- President's Message: NEHA Has a New Executive Director
- Special NEHA Members
- Special Listing
- NEHA News
- NEHA 2015 AEC
Advertisers Index
- American Public University
- Anua
- Conference for the Model Aquatic Health Code
- Decade Software Company
- Mitchell Humphrey & Co.
- Ozark River/Integrity Distribution
- Presby Environmental, Inc.
- Sweeps Software, Inc.
- Underwriters Laboratories