
57 search results

Policy & Position Statements

Policy Statements One of our responsibilities is to speak up on issues of concern to our members and the profession through the adoption of policy statements. These statements have been vetted by our team and adopted by the Board of Directors as...

Body Art Model Code Adoption Toolkit

Developing and adopting body art regulations can be a long and challenging process that can vary widely between jurisdictions due to differing administrative procedures and rulemaking processes. This toolkit outlines a path to ...

April 2024

Journal of ֲý Volume 86, Number 8 View the IssueAbout the Cover Estimating the attenuation of nutrients in groundwater from onsite wastewater treatment systems is difficult due to the costs and uncertainty associated with deter...

May 2015

Journal of ֲý Volume 77, No. 9 View the IssueAbout the Cover In this issue’s cover feature, “UVA and Cutaneous Melanoma Incidences: Spatial Patterns and Communities At Risk,” the authors examined the associations of cutaneous m...


The Model for Analysis, Sharing, and Standardizing Food Electronic Environmental Data (MASS FEED) model is a structure and dictionary of fields, tables, and relationships that describe key jurisdiction, facility, and violation data.The MASS FEED...

Body Art Facility Inspector Training

Virtual, Live Training Upcoming Course Deliveries Our Body Art Facility Inspector Training is now available virtually, taught live by experienced body art facility inspectors and industry profe...

Data Informatics Infrastructure Assessment

We are working to understand the current landscape of environmental public health data and informatics infrastructure across programs at state, territorial, local, and tribal jurisdictions (STLT) nationwide. To support this work will will be...

Toolkit for Understanding Spreadsheets

Understanding how to effectively use spreadsheets is useful to improve data analysis, manage projects and performance, and enable users to identify trends and organize and sort data into meaningful categories. Below are resources to help environ...

USGS Water Data

Collection of water resources data from 1.9 million sites located in all 50 states and various U.S. territories.USGS Water DataResource Type: Open DataSource Description: The USGS works with partners to monitor, assess, conduct targeted research...

United States Census Bureau

Provides facts and figures about U.S. residents, economy, and locations.United States Census BureauResource Type: Open Data...

Request For Proposal Resources

Creating an environment for successful collection and use of data starts with usable and sustainable software.Requests for Proposals (RFPs) provide a vehicle to communicate your project requirements to vendors who can provide solutions. If the i...

Reframing Public Health Informatics: A Communications Toolkit

Toolkit including contextual resources on the field of public health informatics, communications resources discussing how to talk about public health informatics to an external audience, and sample communications of how principles in the toolkit...

Public Health Informatics Fellowship

Fellowship program providing on the job training in information science, computer science, and information technology to enhance the public health informatics workforce and solve problems domestically and abroad.Public Health Informatics Fellows...

Power BI Desktop

Data dashboard with tools to connect, model, and explore datasets with visual reports that can be integrated with other tools, including Microsoft Excel. Cannot publish in free version. Short learning curve for basic use, but advanced reports po...

Outbreak Database

This database provides summaries of significant food and water related outbreaks occurring since 1984 caused by E. coli, Salmonella, Hepatitis A., Campylbacter, and other pathogens.Outbreak DatabaseResource Type: Open DataAuthor: Marler Clark...

Open Standards for Data

Online guidebook to help users create, develop, and adopt standards for open data.Open Standards for DataResource Type: Open DataSource Description: Open standards for data are reusable agreements that make it easier for people and organizations...

Open Data Institute

Nonprofit working to create and support practices that foster open data. Resources include policy development, technology development, community building, and training opportunities.Open Data InstituteResource Type: Open Data...

National Outbreak Reporting System

The National Outbreak Reporting System (NORS) supports outbreak reporting by partners in local, state, and territorial public health agencies.National Outbreak Reporting SystemResource Type: Open DataAuthor: CDC...

National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey

Collection of data from interviews and physical examinations on the health and nutritional status of adults and children in the U.S.National Health and Nutrition Examination SurveyResource Type: Open DataSource Description: Studies designed to a...

National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (NCEZID)

NCEZID's mission is to reduce illness and death associated with emerging and zoonotic infectious diseases and to protect against the unintentional or intentional spread of infectious diseases.National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious ...

June 2017

Journal of ֲý Volume 79, No. 10 View the IssueAbout the Cover This issue’s cover article explores the investigation that resulted from an uncommon outbreak of salmonellosis linked to a splash pad. The authors also conducted a s...

Joint Public Health Informatics Taskforce

Coalition of nine national public health associations that help federal public health agencies build modern information systems by identifying synergistic opportunities, building national consensus, and ensuring a complete perspective on nationa...

Informatics Committee

Our Informatics Committee is comprised of public and private sector experts working in partnership to:Identify and recommend training gaps, needs of the profession, and emerging issuesIdentify best practices, successes, and challenges for enviro...

Informatics Case Studies

Implementing a Software System in Northern MichiganDistrict Health Department Number 4 is a four-county jurisdiction in Michigan. The department serves a population of approximately 76,000 people over a geographic area of 2,600 square miles that...

Informatics -- Data Use Made Easy

Part one of a three part series discussing the development and application of tools, trainings, and resources available in informatics. This article defines informatics and describes its importance to environmental health.Informatics -- Data Use...

Informatics - Existing and Developing Resources

Part three of a three part series discussing the development and application of tools, trainings, and resources available in informatics. This article describes the roles and activities of the NEHA's informatics committee.Informatics - Existing ...

Informatics & Tracking Webinars

Connecting Private Sector Data with Environmental Public Health Agencies Environmental public health data is collected by regulatory agencies across the country, but also collected across a multitude of private sector organizations. T...

Informatics & Health Tracking Resources

Childhood Lead PoisoningA Hidden Problem: Lead Poisoned Children in the United States.Resources for Local Health DepartmentsCDC National Environment Public Health Tracking provides information on how your local health department can utilize the ...

Informatics & Health Tracking

Environmental and public health informatics focuses on standardized data collection, sharing, and use. Wide adoption and use of informatics systems can lead to data-informed decision-making that will improve population health. Enviro...

Indiana Map

Collection of publicly available geographic information system (GIS) map data in Indiana.Indiana MapResource Type: Open DataSource Description: Publicly available collection of Indiana geographic information system (GIS) map data...

Indiana DNR Well Record Database

Website listing data from over 400,000 water wells drilled in Indiana.Indiana DNR Well Record DatabaseResource Type: Open DataSource Description: Records of over 400,000 water wells drilled in Indiana...

Healthy Pets, Healthy People

CDC list of outbreaks of human infections linked to contact with animals and animal products in the United States.Healthy Pets, Healthy PeopleResource Type: Federal ToolsAuthor: CDC...


Warehouse of health datasets from several agencies within the Department of Health and Human Services, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Institutes of Health.HealthDataResource Type: Open Data...

Health Map

Mapping system showing real-time intelligence on a broad range of emerging infectious diseases, the system organizes and disseminates information about emerging diseases in nine languages to facilitate the early detection of public health threat...

Georgia Inspection Portal

Provides access to restaurant, pool, and hotel inspection score for every county in Georgia.Georgia Inspection PortalResource Type: ProgramsAuthor: Georgia Dept. of Public HealthSource Description: Access to all food service, tourist accommodati...

FUSE Corps

Yearlong fellowship program for experienced leaders designed around projects in economic and workforce development, healthcare, public safety, climate change, and education.FUSE CorpsResource Type: FellowshipsSource Description: FUSE is a nation...

Foodborne Disease Outbreak Surveillance System

The Foodborne Disease Outbreak Surveillance System (FDOSS) collects information from state and local health departments about foodborne disease outbreaks. Outbreaks are occurrences in which two or more people get the same illness from the same c...

Environmental Information Exchange Network

Online system that enables state, tribal and territorial partners to share environmental and health data with the Environmental Protection Agency and each other.Environmental Information Exchange NetworkResource Type: Federal ToolsSource Descrip...

ֲý Tracking Podcast Series

The ֲý Tracking Podcast Series features four different EH health departments and their tracking program. Each podcast shares the history, challenges, and successes of the program and goals for the future.Topics include:How the ...


Collection of interactive tools that allow users to download and analyze data and maps related to ecosystem services (benefits humans receive from nature).EnviroAtlasResource Type: Federal ToolsSource Description: EnviroAtlas interactive tools a...

EJSCREEN: Environmental Justice Screening and Mapping Tool

Environmental justice mapping and screening tool combining environmental and demographic data in maps and reports.EJSCREEN: Environmental Justice Screening and Mapping ToolResource Type: Federal ToolsSource Description: In order to better meet t...

Developing an Asynchronous Training on Role of ֲý Specialists in Maintaining Environmental Data Integrity

Since 2003, the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) has been collecting statewide data for ֲý (EH) programs which have helped the agency move towards making data-driven decisions. In 2019, VDH transitioned to a new cloud-based ...


Federal government's website to promote open data and accountability. Aims to increase citizen participation, economic development, and improve decision making.Data.govResource Type: Open DataSource Description: Data.gov is the federal governmen...

County Health Rankings

Ranking of health data from nearly every county in the U.S., including data on high school graduation rates, obesity, smoking, unemployment, access to healthy foods, the quality of air and water, income inequality, and teen births.County Health ...

Code for America Summit

Three day conference focused on strengthening the digital capability of the government, creating new policies with insight from the tech industry, improving the government technology market, and creating community capacity.Code for America Summi...


Online interactive database of fatal and nonfatal injury, violent death, and cost of injury data from a variety of sources.CDC WISQARSTMSource Description: Interactive, online database that provides fatal and nonfatal injury, violent death, and ...

CDC Train

National learning network that provides quality training opportunities for public health professionals. Comprised of courses from state and local TRAIN affiliates, government agencies, academic institutions, and other nationally-recognized organ...

CDC Public Health Image Library

Online database of images from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.CDC Public Health Image LibraryResource Type: Open DataSource Description: Created by a Working Group at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the PHIL ...