16 search results
Access 2024 RPSS Recordings
There is no cost for the recordings. If you already have a MyNENA account: Log in to your MyNEHA account Once logged in look for the word “Shop” at the top of the page Select “Shop” th...
ֲý and COVID-19 Resource Library
This webpage shares resources that address the needs of environmental public health staff during the COVID-19 pandemic. It includes resources on: Disinfecting a facility COVID-19 and early childhood K-12 education and COVID-19 Recommended f...
Guides to Expanding Mitigation
This guide is a part of a series that highlights partnerships for emergency mitigation. This resource includes: How communities can support hazard mitigation Ways to support FEMA’s goal of building a culture of preparedness Recommended for e...
The Mental Health Impacts of Successive Disasters
Experiencing a natural disaster at the same time as a global pandemic is associated with negative impacts on mental health. This article studies resiliency at the individual and community levels to understand problematic impacts following a disa...
Building Resilient Coalitions: Health and Medical Response Through COVID-19 Concurrent Events
This article analyzes the critical role that non-profit organizations play in capacity-building among healthcare institutions in a large medical center. An assessment of the conceptual resilience model is used by the organizations as they respon...
Mutual Aid: A Grassroots Model for Justice and Equity in Emergency Management
This article provides lessons for a more equitable approach to emergency management. Grassroots mutual aid programs regained prominence when supporting equitable approaches to emergency management during many concurrent disasters in 2020. Disast...
Hurricanes and COVID-19
This is for planning for a hurricane concurrently with COVID-19 that contains topics on:Preparing for hurricane seasonPreparing to evacuateStay safe during and after a hurricaneRecommended for Environmental public health professionals to use an ...
Homeless Shelter Resources for COVID-19
This resource offers up-to-date information to assist outpatient centers in documenting clients experiencing homelessness who have been tested for COVID-19. It includes:Medical, healthcare system preparedness, and public health emergency prepare...
Guide to Air Cleaners in the Home
This EPA guide provides recommendations regarding indoor air quality. The guide offers comprehensive information and suggestions including pictures, diagrams, and Q/A at the end. This guide includes information on:At home air filtersRecommendati...
Floods and the COVID-19 Pandemic – A New Double Hazard Problem
This article is a literature review that points out three items to consider, which are preparedness, resiliency, and systems engineering, and contains: Guidance on how to address threats. Assess Challenges between threat multipliers. Em...
ֲý Emergency Preparedness and Recovery Guidance Manual
This North Carolina Public Health manual provides guidance to environmental public health (EPH) professionals for preparedness and recovery efforts and contains a: Guide Resource Review Recommended for supporting environmental public health...
After-Action Report and Improvement Plan - North Central Region, Colorado Flood Preparedness Pilot
This document is a high-level look into the use of Tabletop Exercises and Stress Tests and the outcome of the National Flood Preparedness Guideline. This document includes:An After-Action ReportImprovement PlansRecommended for emergency environm...
Retail Program Standards Symposium
Thank you to everyone who attended the 2024 Symposium. Thanks to your attendance, this year was a great success. We will provide details about 2026 here as they become available. This year’s Retail Program Standards Symposium (RPSS) theme was Su...
RFFM Resources
FDA Retail Program Standards ResourcesFDA Retail Program Standards Homepage | WebpageInstructions to Enroll in FDA's Retail Program Standards | WebpageSelf-Assessment/Audit Verification Summary & Gap Analysis Tool | WebpageContact an FDA Spe...
NEHA-FDA RFFM Grant Program
The ֲý (NEHA) and U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) work in partnership to administer the NEHA-FDA Retail Flexible Funding Model (RFFM) Grant Program. The program provides funding to State, Local,...
Grant Guidance
Full Grant GuidanceView and download detailed application and Grant Guidance for the CY 2025 project year:CY 2025 Grant Guidance | PDFView and download detailed application and Grant Guidance for the CY 2024 project year:CY 2024 Grant Guidance |...