5 search results
June 2015
Journal of ֲý Volume 77, No. 10 View the IssueAbout the Cover Many regulatory agencies are trying to find ways to improve food safety, decrease regulatory infractions, and decrease the risk of foodborne outbreaks. The results o...
May 2015
Journal of ֲý Volume 77, No. 9 View the IssueAbout the Cover In this issue’s cover feature, “UVA and Cutaneous Melanoma Incidences: Spatial Patterns and Communities At Risk,” the authors examined the associations of cutaneous m...
Inspector Checklist Boil Water Order
This checklist is for inspectors to use when evaluating if a food establishment may operate during a boil water order. Recommended for environmental public health and public health professionals working with food establishments to determine th...
Retail Food Establishment Checklist for Floods
This checklist can be used by environmental health professionals to assess if a retail food facility can reopen safely after a flood in the facility. Recommended for emergency environmental public health practitioners working at the s...
Letter to ICC re: Model Codes for Regulating Construction and Operation of Swimming Pools and Spas
July 2010Construction and Operation of Swimming Pools and Spas | Letter...