15 search results
June 2015
Journal of ֲý Volume 77, No. 10 View the IssueAbout the Cover Many regulatory agencies are trying to find ways to improve food safety, decrease regulatory infractions, and decrease the risk of foodborne outbreaks. The results o...
April 2015
Journal of ֲý Volume 77, No. 8 View the IssueAbout the Cover As shown on our cover, hotels often settle for cleanliness versus sanitation, but our feature in this issue, “Sanitary Status and Incidence of Methicillin-Resistant S...
January/February 2015
Journal of ֲý Volume 77, No. 6 View the IssueAbout the Cover Given the popularity of buying vintage toys on the internet, the authors of this issue’s cover article, “Hazardous Metals in Vintage Plastic Toys Measured by a Handhe...
Compounding Hazards and Intersecting Vulnerabilities
This report discusses study findings that measure how COVID-19 affected extreme heat vulnerability during the summer of 2020. This resource includes: Examination of socio-demographic characteristics and pandemic related factors Examined vulne...
The COVID-19 Crisis Worsens With the Occurrence of Climate Extremes and Disasters
This article examines the impacts of climate disasters and COVID-19 in Africa and provides suggestions for countries to strengthen their emergency department by boosting the staff component, provide adequate technical support and develop detaile...
Nonprofit Capacity to Manage Hurricane-Pandemic Threat
This report examines the professional capacity of nonprofit organizations when responding to disasters occurring simultaneously. This report includes:Service delivery strategies for nonprofits during COVID-19Impact of natural disasters on nonpro...
A Rapid Assessment of Disaster Preparedness Needs and Resources During the COVID-19 Pandemic
This article provides a rapid qualitative assessment method to determine the impact of the pandemic on preparedness and response to natural disasters and the impact of past experiences with natural disasters in responding to the pandemic. This a...
Data-Driven Operation of the Resilient Electric Grid: A Case of COVID-19
This article explores the resilience of power grids in the face of pandemics and various machine learning tools that can be helpful to augment human operators are discussed by reviewing the impact of COVID-19 on power grid operations and actions...
Healthcare Coalition Engagement in COVID-19 Assessment
This resource lays out the healthcare concern associated with response, staffing and providing services during the pandemic. This includes: Field Project Officer Survey Analysis Environmental Scan Focus Groups Recommended for Environme...
September 2015
Journal of ֲý Volume 78, No. 2 View the IssueAbout the Cover In the Building Capacity column in this issue, “Embracing a Unified Brand Builds Capacity for Health Departments,” Darryl Booth discusses the importance of a consiste...
October 2015
Journal of ֲý Volume 78, No. 3 View the IssueAbout the Cover In this issue, two of our feature articles describe studies that investigated arsenic ingestion in the context of consumption patterns. “Arsenic Consumption in the Un...
November 2021
Journal of ֲý Volume 84, Number 4 View the IssueAbout the CoverThroughout the COVID-19 pandemic, environmental health professionals have worked tirelessly to promote the health and well-being of their communities. The National ...
November 2015
Journal of ֲý Volume 78, No. 4 View the IssueAbout the Cover Rapid proliferation of hydraulic fracturing (fracking) facilities has led to concerns about human exposure to airborne pollutants, notably fine particulates (PM2.5, p...
July/August 2015
Journal of ֲý Volume 78, No. 1 View the IssueAbout the Cover The Fukushima nuclear disaster triggered by the magnitude 9.0 Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami on March 11, 2011, reminded the world that nuclear power plant a...
December 2021
Journal of ֲý Volume 84, Number 5 View the IssueAbout the Cover Environmental health is historically an overlooked and underrated discipline. The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the value of environmental health and environmental...