Workforce Disaster Resilience Training Workshop Using the Community Resilience Model
January 24, 8:30 AM - 4:30 pm ET
Join us for the virtual from the Trauma Resource Center. This hands-on, biologically based program helps participants help themselves and others in their network to create trauma-informed and resiliency-informed and -focused communities. The workshop provides practical tools for personal and community resilience to strengthen disaster readiness and response. Learn evidence-based techniques for self-care and community support during crisis situations.
The virtual interactive workshop covers:
- The biology and neurophysiology of trauma, stress, and resilience
- Simple biologically-based wellness skills that can help re-set and stabilize the nervous system
- The key concepts and skills of the CRM
- How to help others in your family and community
- Master core CRM skills
- Develop crisis management strategies
- Learn effective community support techniques
- Gain practical tools for self-care
- Build long-term community resilience