
3 search results

SepticSmart Week Blog

September 16, 2021EPA's SepticSmart Week will take place September 13-17, 2021. This event focuses on educating homeowners and communities on the proper care and maintenance of their septic systems. With over one in five households in the U.S. u...

SepticSmart Week

NEHA raises awareness for SepticSmart Week every September alongside the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA). SepticSmart Week is focused on getting homeowners and communities to care for and maintain their septic systems. During Sep...

Recreational Waters

Pools and similar facilities can harbor pathogens that can cause waterborne illness and injury. According to the U.S. Census, there are more than 30 million swimmer visits each year in the U.S.SAFE-D Best Practices GuideThe Standard for Aquatic ...