6 search results
Changing Vulnerability for Hurricane Evacuation During a Pandemic
This article examines data from workshops involving emergency management and public health experts to support planning for hurricane evacuation and sheltering. This resource includes: Policy integration findings Expanded protections for popula...
Compound Risks of Hurricane Evacuation Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic in the United States
This article models how a hurricane evacuation from four different counties in a state would impact COVID-19 case levels. The number of COVID-19 cases produced by the evacuation is influenced by the ability of destination counties meeting the ne...
A Community Case Study on Geographic, Environmental, and Social Health Disparities in COVID-19 Disease
This article examines the socioeconomic, geographic, and environmental vulnerabilities within a rural area. The article reviews that rural areas are particularly susceptible to the continuum of expected COVID-19 disease and related outcomes. Rur...
Navigating the Wildfire-Pandemic Interface
This article provides preliminary data that suggests the current challenges around collective action to address wildfire risk may be further exacerbated due to COVID-19, and that the pandemic has potentially widened existing disparities in house...
Individual Hurricane Evacuation Intentions During the COVID-19 Pandemic
This article discusses how individual hurricane preparedness is often influenced by the additional risk stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic. A major finding was that the perceptions of flood and pandemic risks have opposite effects on preparedne...
Environmental Justice and Natural Disasters/COVID-19 Virtual Town Hall Meetings
The Federal Interagency Working Group on Environmental Justice hosted three virtual regional town hall meetings to gain a better understanding of how natural disasters and COVID-19 impact minority, low-income, overburdened, and underserved commu...