5 search results
Compound Natural and Human Disasters: Managing Drought and COVID-19 to Sustain Global Agriculture and Food Sectors
This article describes how droughts and pandemics interact and identifies appropriate policies to address them individually and together. Disasters, both natural and human made disrupt global food supply chains when they occur at the same time a...
FEMA Hurricane Season After Action Report
This report provides the emergency management community with recommendations for areas of improvement based on the 2017 hurricanes season and includes information on: Scaling disaster Response Staffing Sustained Community Logistics Long...
After-Action Report: Ellicott City, Maryland Flood of 2016
This after-action report of the 2016 flooding in Ellicott City, MD explains how to preserve historical buildings. It provides various disaster response checklists for non-profits and local governments. This tool includes: Report Checklists...
ACE Household Survey
This resource assesses any chemical exposures within a household setting and measures: Contact demographics Location/Exposure and Communication Health Status Recommended for environmental public health professionals who may be responsible ...
ACE Hospital Survey
This is a survey for hospitals to access and evaluate any chemical exposures and measures:Hospital SurgeHospital ResponseHospital DecontaminationRecommended for environmental public health professionals working within a community or hospital set...