
3 search results

Compound Natural and Human Disasters: Managing Drought and COVID-19 to Sustain Global Agriculture and Food Sectors

This article describes how droughts and pandemics interact and identifies appropriate policies to address them individually and together. Disasters, both natural and human made disrupt global food supply chains when they occur at the same time a...

Guidance for Septic Systems Before, During, and After Winter Weather

This guide helps homeowners manage septic systems before, during, and after a winter weather event. This tool includes:Safety remindersRecommended steps for before, during, and after the winter seasonRecommended for homeowners who are managing s...

FEMA Hurricane Season After Action Report

This report provides the emergency management community with recommendations for areas of improvement based on the 2017 hurricanes season and includes information on: Scaling disaster Response Staffing Sustained Community Logistics Long...