5 search results
NEPHIP for Students
This internship is designed to allow students to gain a firsthand perspective on the day-to-day responsibilities of environmental health professionals, make invaluable connections with those working in the field, and consider careers working in ...
NEPHIP & State, Territorial, Local, Tribal Environmental Public Health Programs
This internship is designed to connect students to those working in the environmental health field, and consider careers working in state, tribal, local, or territorial environmental public health agencies following graduation.ApplicationApplica...
National Environmental Public Health Internship Program
The National Environmental Public Health Internship Program (NEPHIP) is a 400-hour paid internship opportunity that links environmental health undergraduate and graduate students with funded internship placements at qualified state, tribal, loca...
Body Art Model Code & Annex
We first introduced the Body Art Model Code (BAMC) in 1998. In the time since the original code was released, body art has become much more accepted, diverse, and popular. After updating the BAMC in 2019, our Body Art Committee (BAC)...
Body Art Committee
Our Body Art Committee is comprised of public and private sector experts working in partnership to provide outcomes in the following priority areas:Development and update of our Body Art Model Code (BAMC) and accompanying Annex, which reflects b...