
11 search results

June 2015

Journal of ֲý Volume 77, No. 10 View the IssueAbout the Cover Many regulatory agencies are trying to find ways to improve food safety, decrease regulatory infractions, and decrease the risk of foodborne outbreaks. The results o...

April 2015

Journal of ֲý Volume 77, No. 8 View the IssueAbout the Cover As shown on our cover, hotels often settle for cleanliness versus sanitation, but our feature in this issue, “Sanitary Status and Incidence of Methicillin-Resistant S...

January/February 2015

Journal of ֲý Volume 77, No. 6 View the IssueAbout the Cover Given the popularity of buying vintage toys on the internet, the authors of this issue’s cover article, “Hazardous Metals in Vintage Plastic Toys Measured by a Handhe...

The COVID-19 Pandemic and Wildfire Smoke

This article identifies the potential for dangerous interactions between COVID-19 and smoke pollution This resource includes: Strategies to manage the combination of public health threats Recommended for environmental and public health officia...

Responding to Simultaneous Crises: Communications and Social Norms of Mask Behavior During Wildfires and COVID-19

This article looks into the COVID-19 pandemic and the potential for co-occurring wildfires and the health risks that they pose. While there are behaviors that can be implemented to reduce the negative impacts, government agencies and public heal...

Navigating the Wildfire-Pandemic Interface

This article provides preliminary data that suggests the current challenges around collective action to address wildfire risk may be further exacerbated due to COVID-19, and that the pandemic has potentially widened existing disparities in house...

September 2015

Journal of ֲý Volume 78, No. 2 View the IssueAbout the Cover In the Building Capacity column in this issue, “Embracing a Unified Brand Builds Capacity for Health Departments,” Darryl Booth discusses the importance of a consiste...

October 2015

Journal of ֲý Volume 78, No. 3 View the IssueAbout the Cover In this issue, two of our feature articles describe studies that investigated arsenic ingestion in the context of consumption patterns. “Arsenic Consumption in the Un...

November 2015

Journal of ֲý Volume 78, No. 4 View the IssueAbout the Cover Rapid proliferation of hydraulic fracturing (fracking) facilities has led to concerns about human exposure to airborne pollutants, notably fine particulates (PM2.5, p...

July/August 2020

Journal of ֲý Volume 83, Number 1 About the Cover Parks benefit public health in many ways, from improving stormwater management to mitigating disparities associated with physical and mental health. Parks and recreational areas...

July/August 2015

Journal of ֲý Volume 78, No. 1 View the IssueAbout the Cover The Fukushima nuclear disaster triggered by the magnitude 9.0 Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami on March 11, 2011, reminded the world that nuclear power plant a...