
4 search results

Policy & Position Statements

Policy Statements One of our responsibilities is to speak up on issues of concern to our members and the profession through the adoption of policy statements. These statements have been vetted by our team and adopted by the Board of Directors as...

Data-Driven Operation of the Resilient Electric Grid: A Case of COVID-19

This article explores the resilience of power grids in the face of pandemics and various machine learning tools that can be helpful to augment human operators are discussed by reviewing the impact of COVID-19 on power grid operations and actions...

Guidance for Septic Systems Before, During, and After Winter Weather

This guide helps homeowners manage septic systems before, during, and after a winter weather event. This tool includes:Safety remindersRecommended steps for before, during, and after the winter seasonRecommended for homeowners who are managing s...

FEMA Hurricane Season After Action Report

This report provides the emergency management community with recommendations for areas of improvement based on the 2017 hurricanes season and includes information on: Scaling disaster Response Staffing Sustained Community Logistics Long...