
4 search results

CP-FS Credential Exam Content & Scores

The CP-FS exam consists of:140 questions; 120 are scored and 20 are unscored pilot questionsCandidates have two hours and 30 minutes to complete the examReview the exam outline of the seven content areas included in the exam and the percentage a...

Exam Scheduling & Admission

Candidates can schedule a certification exam:At a Pearson VUE's testing location anywhere in the United States. Individuals who take the exam at Pearson VUE will receive their unofficial scores immediately after the exam.At our Annual Educationa...

CCFS Exam Content & Scores

The CCFS exam consists of:135 multiple-choice questions; 120 are scored and 15 are unscored pilot questions (pilot questions are not called out)Candidates have two hours and 30 minutes to complete the examReview the exam outline of the seven dif...

CCFS Credential Eligibility & Application

EligibilityTo be eligible for the CCFS credential, a candidate must meet the following criteria of a track below:Bachelor's Degree TrackBachelor's degree in food science or environmental health from a degree program accredited by the National En...