APPLETREE Program Resources
Through the (ATSDR)'s titled ATSDR's Partnership to Promote Local Efforts to Reduce Environmental Exposure (APPLETREE) Program, some state health departments received funding and guidance to develop resources for ECE stakeholders. The COVID-19 ECE Collaborative provided support to 16 states to assist in COVID-19 response efforts in ECE facilities and schools.
Check out these developed resources from both the Collaborative and APPLETREE programs used to help protect children's health from environmental health hazards:
Association of State and Territorial Health Officials
- APPLETREE COVID-19 Supplemental Awards |
- Supported Activities, Arkansas Department of Health |
- Guidance for Cleaning and Disinfection of Schools during COVID-19 - Training |
- Guidance for Schools Systems for the Operation of Central and non-Central Ventilation Systems |
- Improving Ventilation for Healthier Learning Environments Flyer | PDF
- Improving Ventilation for Healthier Learning Environments Presentation | PDF
- Supported Activities, Indiana Department of Health |
- Supported Activities, Kentucky Department for Public Health |
- COVID-19 vaccine info for educators |
- When to Clean & When to Disinfect |
- Do I truly need a disinfectant? |
- Tips for Using Disinfectants Safely |
- How to Choose & Use a Disinfectant |
- Maintaining Healthy Pre-k-12 school settings during COVID-19 pandemic |
- Maintaining Healthy Childcare Settings during COVID-19 pandemic |
- Supported Activities, Vermont Department of Health |
- Supported Activities, Virginia Department of Health |
- Disinfecting and Sanitizing with Bleach Chart, PDF | English | Chinese, simplified | Japanese | Russian | Somali | Spanish | Vietnamese
- Bleach Safety Infographic, PDF | English | Chinese, simplified | Japanese | Russian | Somali | Spanish | Vietnamese